Minutes of the Regular Meeting
February 4, 2008– 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President David Jones.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by all present.
Council members present were: David Jones, Kenneth Knickerbocker, Thomas Curtin, Virginia Miller, Melinda Keen, Charles Persch and Sheri Melton. Also present were: Mayor John P. Hagan, II, Borough Manager, L. James Thomas, Secretary, Wendy A. Keegan and Borough Solicitor John S. Carnes.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: After moving the Police Service Contracts and Labor Contract to after Citizens Comments and change the name of John Leamont to Joseph Leamont a motion to approve the agenda was made by Thomas Curtin and seconded by Charles Persch. All in favor. Mr. Knickerbocker announced that an executive session to discuss real estate matters will be held immediately after the meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion to approve the minutes of the January 21, 2008, Regular Meeting after one minor change was moved by Charles Persch and seconded by Melinda Keen. All in favor.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: A Motion to approve the bills submitted was moved by Kenneth Knickerbocker and seconded by Sheri Melton. All in favor.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only)
No public comments
POLICE SERVICES CONTRACTS: A motion to sign the Interim Agreements with Highland Township and Atglen and Avondale Boroughs was made by Sheri Melton and seconded by Charles Persch. All in favor
POLICE ASSOCIATION LABOR AGREEMENT: A motion to sign the collective bargaining agreement was made by Charles Persch and seconded by Kenneth Knickerbocker. All in favor.
FIRE POLICE SWEAR-IN: Mayor Hagan swore in the following as Fire Police:
• Joseph Leamont
• John Ford
• Edna Ratcliff
• Eugene Ratcliff
• Daniel Stoltzfus
• A motion to adopt Resolution 2008-04 – Resolution of the Borough of Parkesburg reducing Chetty Builders’ letter of credit by One Hundred Fifty-One Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-Three Dollars ($151,823.00) was made by Kenneth Knickerbocker and seconded by Sheri Melton. All in favor
• Chetty Builders have applied for two building permits – an office and sample home;
• Crystal Springs – The Townhomes at Maple View are moving forward;
• HDC – A ground breaking ceremony has been scheduled for March 14, 2008; Easement drawings for the relocation of the gas valve have been reviewed and approved by the solicitor; a motion to sign the right-of-way agreement for the relocation of the gas valve was made by Thomas Curtin and seconded by Charles Persch. All in favor.
• Davis Tract – Moving forward toward final approvals;
• Main Street West – Will be attending this month’s planning commission meeting to talk about construction;
• West Bridge Street Bridge – a meeting is scheduled with the PUC to review prior and new parties’ positions; will need to review file back to 1994;
• There are vacancies on three borough committees – planning commission; UCC Board of Appeals; and the Emergency Management Coordinator.
SOLICITOR’S REPORT—John S. Carnes, Jr., Esquire
• Mr. Carnes will be attending the meeting with the PUC and will be taking action on the extension on the demolition of the State Street Bridge abutments.
Parks & Recreation—Sheri Melton
The meetings in February, March and April will be changed to 8:00 p.m.
Progress & Development—Thomas Curtin
Working on a volunteer project for North Church Street facade improvements.
Streets & Property—Melinda Keen
Ms. Keen has spoken with other municipalities regarding their trash and recycling
programs; would like to develop a pamphlet on recycling for residents; spoken with person in charge of Sadsbury Township’s town watch program and would like to implement a similar program in the Borough.
Finance—David Jones
A meeting will be held Thursday, February 6th to discuss the finances for the month of January; Mr. Jones asked each committee chair to produce a list of goals and objectives to make sure funding is in place.
Police & Fire—Charles Persch
A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 19th; the Borough and Police Association will be forming a Labor-Management Relations Committee which will consist of 3 Borough representatives and 3 Association representatives.
Library–Melinda Keen
Attended the Library board meeting; plans for the annual golf tournament is moving forward.
• Police Chief Contract – there has not yet been an opportunity to meet to discuss the contract
• Betty Wilde of Main Street stated that she is excited to see the West Bridge
Street Bridge project moving forward;
• Janice Detweiler of West 8th Avenue asked whether the streets will be paved after the storm water repairs are made;
• Ken Knickerbocker advised of his participation in the technical advisory committee for the Chester County Airport expansion;
• Sheri Melton went to the Airport’s open house and stated that they have chosen a flight path over more populated areas;
• Virginia Miller stated that the phone company is putting lines in her yard;
With there being no further business, a motion was made by Thomas Curtin and seconded by Charles Persch to adjourn the meeting 8:15 p.m. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy A. Keegan
Borough Secretary