Thursday, July 2, 2009

Latest News

These headlines from Kathy Ricks of Borough Council:

***Parkesburg News***

**Don’t forget to visit the Fire Company Fair this week!! The fair is running until July 4th with FIREWORKS on Friday, July 3rd!!! (Rain date July 4th) Every night is Family Night!

**The Community Market will be open on July 4th from 9 until 1. Please stop by and see what’s new this week. Last week we had great live music, fresh produce, chicken, ribs, baked goods, and finally, sunny weather! We hope to see you on Saturday.

**Don’t forget, we now have a credit card option for Trash payments. There is a $1.50 processing fee. Call the Borough for information. 610-857-2616

**Still looking for volunteers to keep Parkesburg Beautiful! Call Kathy Rick at 610-857-5133 if you are interested.

**Upcoming events: September 28, Community Day. The Octorara SD Homecoming Parade is in Parkesburg this year. Stay tuned for more details!

**The next Borough Council meeting is Monday, July 6th at 7:00PM at the Borough Hall. Come out and see what is happening!

**If you have any news or story ideas, please contact Mel Keen at, or Kathy Rick at **