Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Parkeburg VFW Honors a WW II Hero

Jesse Thomas, 84, of Cochranville, the sole remaining survivor of four U.S. Marine who raised the American flag on Okinawa the day the War ended on June 22, 1945, was honored by Parkesburg's VFW Post last Sunday for his service.

You can read the entire story at the Daily Local here:   Honors For War Hero

Spurring Industrial Development in the Octorara Region

Great story in the DLN regarding the effort led by State Rep Tom Houghton (D 13th) and OASD Superintendent Dr. Tom Newcome to slow the increase of property taxes by bringing industrial development to the Octorara region. 

Both Representative Houghton and Dr. Newcome have been tireless in their efforts to attract business to the region without carving up farmland or sacrificing our rural culture.

Go West, Developers

Be sure to watch the video embedded in the article.  Eric Strecth fro the Chester County Commercial, Industrial and Investment Council makes a great case for why locating some or all of a business' operations in western Chester County makes sense.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Parkesburg News from Parkesburg Borough Council President Mel Keen.

Mowing and Trimming
Several residents have asked about keeping the grass of unoccupied homes under the 6" limit.  The Borough has two part-time workers keeping Borough's parks and vacant properties mowed.   There is a legal process that must be followed with vacant property before we can mow which takes time to complete.  Once completed the property is included on the 'cut' list and the current owners of vacant properties are billed to cover the cost of mowing.  

Council would like to  say THANKS to residents who mow regularly and keep there properties looking great .  Keep up the good work.

Please remember to mow outside fences and "out back" if there is a street behind your house. Also weeds along curbs and sidewalks are residents responsibility.  The Borough is working with  economic development agencies to encourage business to locate in Parkesburg and the Octorara area.  The town needs to look as inviting as possible.

Please look UP when you are doing yard work.  We have many aging trees  with limbs hanging low over roads that could interfere with emergency vehicles.  Trimming these is of high importance. The summer storms have brought limbs down on houses. Removing limbs that may cause damage to  buildings is also of high importance.

I have run into low limbs over sidewalks when I walk about town.  I am ducking or walking in the street.  Please if you have trees hanging over sidewalks trim them, cut to 4' lengths and set out the trimmed branches for pick-up on Mondays.

Sharon Wolf Fills a Council Vacancy
Council appointed Sharon Wolf to council on Aug 12, 2010. She is a long time  resident in Parkesburg.  I want to thank the others who expressed interest in the position.
Tennis Courts
The lock and chain are missing from the gate. Someone with a key left the gate unlocked. :(  We have purchased another lock and key.  If you need a new key see Wendy in the Borough office.  If anyone finds the lock and chain please return it to Wendy.

Parkesburg Happenings:

The Community Market continues to be a success.  The produce vendor and Johnathan's chicken and ribs are committed to the season.  It's too hot to cook! Stop in Saturday morning for chicken and fresh produce!

Parkesburg Lions Bingo in the park Mondays at 6:30.  If it is too hot Bingo will be held in the church.

September 25th.  Community Day and Yard Sale .  Library Book Sale at Borough Hall. You can set-up yard sale items at your house or bring them to the Community Market.  Craft and Holiday items are welcome.  Several groups have inquired and are planning activities. Contact Steve Mellinger or Mel Keen if your group or you know a vendor who would like to participate.

October 23rd- Halloween Parade and activities sponsored the Parkesburg Lions.