Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Feature - Parkesburg Numbers

On a regular basis, thanks to Google Alerts and the 8 or 9 newspapers I read everyday, I come across interesting numbers that relate to life in Parkesburg.  I'll post these as a regular feature of the blog.

This morning two graphs about the value of our houses and Parkesburg resident's response rate to the US Census.

First Parkesburg's home values.  Like almost everywhere else, our home values increased 10 to 15 percent annually through 2007 but came back down a bit as the recession hit in the Fall of 2008.  If the estimates from are accurate it looks like home values are on a bit of a rebound.  Lets hope the trend continues.

Check out the numbers and see how Parkesburg compares to neighboring towns at

The second number comes courtesy of Google.  The Census Bureau and Google have teamed up to track the percentage of forms returned to the Census Bureau in real time.  Here's a snapshot of Parkesburg resident's response rate:

You can track the percentage of census forms returned for each city, county and state by visiting

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Important Spring 2010 Dates

April 5th, 2010 Yard Waste pick-up begins!  Place leaves,sticks and weeds in cans, paper bags or boxes.  DO NOT PUT YARD WASTE IN PLASTIC BAGS.  No dirt, stones or trash.  No branches more than 2" in diameter or 3' in length. Bundle sticks 3' long.
April 17th. Opening Day Babe Ruth League, in Minch Park. Parade at 9am.
April 25th. Community Yard Sale, 8am-3pm.
May 1st Neighborhood Clean-Up, 9am-2pm.  FREE bags and gloves will be available at  Borough Hall for individuals and groups cleaning up neighborhoods, parks and streams.
May 15th.  Community Market,  Spring kick-off. The  parking lot in front of Borough Hall.  This is an on-going event Saturday mornings.
Call Wendy Keegan at Borough Hall (610.857.2616) for more information.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Community Conversation for the Octorara Area School District

A Community Conversation for the Octorara Area School District offered by The Octorara Area School District Board of Directors and Administration and Facilitated by Chester County 20/20.
This is an open invitation to members of the Octorara Area School District Community; business owners, municipal leaders, parents, elected officials, retirees, members of community organizations, students and residents in general.  Come for a community conversation on the topic important to you.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Octorara Intermediate School
5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Participation by invitation only.  To get invited, please contact Jill Hardy at 610-593-8238 X3500 or  Please make request for invitation by March 11, 2010.