Thursday, November 25, 2010

Octorara School Board 11/15 Meeting Notes

Without a weekly newspaper it is next to impossible to know the business before the school board and what district administrators and board members are doing to improve education while keeping costs down.

A new blog named Octorara Report has the agenda for each meeting and summary of comments made by administrators, board members and visitors attending the meeting.

Parkesburg Today notes the hard work of Parkesburg resident and board member Bob Hume.  Bob was the only board member to vote 'No' on a measure to approve a work order change increasing the cost of the new gym.  According to meeting minutes, after the item was presented "Mr. Hume had some comments about the capital project funding.  He feels that the district's debt resembles the problem the country is having.  We are mortgaged to 2030.  He doesn't think the money that has been spent has been wasted, but that the district has gone too far in spending.  He thinks that the District should sit down with Breslin & see if there can't be some dampers put on the spending.  He believes we can wait 3-4 years to do the gym.  He doesn't think that people in the district understand how much debt the District has."

In other business board members reviewed test scores, looked at tax projections for the next several years and finalized this year's budget schedule. 

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