Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Future of the Acme Plaza

This past Thursday (7/19) I had lunch with the owners of the Acme Plaza on 1st Avenue. Knowing I was going to be in North Jersey for a business meeting I called ahead to see if we could have lunch and discuss their plans for the plaza while I was in the area. I expected one or two people to attend. Imagine my surprise when 7 people showed up!

By way of background, the group of three siblings owns and operates 20 to 30 retail centers in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. The Acme plaza in Parkesburg is one of their smallest centers. The group's Parkesburg's holdings include not only the Acme property consisting of the the 10 acre parcel on the southwest courner of Route 10 and 1st Avenue from the gas station back to the post office, but includes the 1 acre parcel on the northeast corner of Route 10 and 1st Avenue (see map).

The group's entire portfolio of properties is managed by Levin Property Management in Plainfield, NJ.

I was pleased to hear of their significant efforts to find tenants for each of the now empty retail spaces in the plaza. They have explored many options and talked with several retailers over the past several years but none of the conversations has resulted in a new tenant.

During our conversation over lunch we explored several options including redeveloping the center, attracting a store to fill the old Acme store and finally explored the possibilities of starting a farmers market. We all agreed a farmers market had the most promise.

Over the coming weeks and months we'll be exploring the farmers market option with the owners and determine if such a market can be started and sustained.

Let me know what you think about a farm market in Parkesburg. Would you shop at the market if it was there? Clink on the comment field below and share your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

No farmer's market - we have a farmer's market in our backyard - Amish!! We need entertainment - movie theater, bowling alley - it would be nice to not have to drive 20 miles east or west to see a movie or go bowling - farmer's market - just what we need.

Mike said...

A farmers market would be a great idea, although may may have an uphill battle with the entrenched Walmart and Dutch Way. The physical structures themselves unfortunatly will probably prevent rentors who would rather locate in new modern centers built up and down Rt 30. I would think the only solution is to teardown and rebuild similar to the Exton model, but on a smaller scale with maybe shops around the sides in a box format with a community area in the middle. Connecting the shopping center to the park near Beale would also create a more inviting shopping area.

Just a though...

Mike Zrebiec
308 7th Ave

Anonymous said...

As much as I love Farmer's Markets, I have to agree that some entertainment would be more welcome.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if a farmers market is the right answer, but if it does happen, I will shop there since it would be so close to home. While I love the Hersheys market, I hate the West Sadsbury Walmart. Walmart is dirty, too crowded and the people are unhelpful, along with ridiculous checkout lines. Hersheys is a great store but does close fairly early and is not open on Sundays. I agree the shopping center does need to be revived to attract new businesses. Something needs to be done as the center is currenlty an eyesore for the borough. Whatever happens, I hope it does not raise our already high taxes!

Anonymous said...

I think that it should have some form of entertainment, but I think the old acme place would make a great new grocery store. Everyone I know travels even if its 20 minutes to go to other stores for food. A gum would be nice in there too.

Anonymous said...

Wal-mart does have gross produce, so I would not vote against a farmer's market. I do, however, agree that introducing another form of entertainment in this town would be great. Another good restaurant like Rocco and Annas, a gym - anything will be better than an empty building.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything in the works that would have the landowner trust lower requested rents so that businesses might be able to go into the Acme building complex? So far it seems that no one has been able to pay their price and the owners seem very satisfied with just having empty properties.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see a Trader Joe's in the Acme building. They would certainly be able to afford the rent, they have great food choices, and the Trader Joe's style would brighten up the area. It would also draw people coming in from other areas, who might then frequent other businesses while they are in town.