Sunday, February 24, 2008

New Parkesburg Focused Blog

There's a new Parkesburg blog on the scene.

Started in January as an outgrowth of Borough Council's decision to discontinue police service to Atglen, Highland and Avondale, the blog was started to give people frustrated with local politics a chance to vent their feelings.

Its hard to say what the source of this new blog is since the editor as well as most of those commenting on her postings have chossen to remain anonymous. I suspect "ChescoGirl", the blog's editor, as well as most of the posters, don't live in Parkesburg. As a result Parkesburg Tomorrow doesn't have much good to say about the people of Parkesburg or it's Borough Council.

Also of note is the willingness of the blog's editor and commenters to make ridiculous accusations without ever examining the Borough's books for themselves or attending Council's monthly Finance Committee meetings to get a first hand understanding of the Borough's financial status. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts. Their commentary on Parkesburg's happenings would be so much more interesting and noteworthy if they took the time to get all the facts before forming their views.

You can check it out for yourself at Come back here and let me know what you think of the new blog on the block!


Chris said...

Hey what is up with this ChescoGirl and her followers.
They seem to have these other sources that have much more reliable data and figures of the actual budget of the Police force, but are afraid to come forward.
They continue to post on the Parkesburg Tommorrow site, but hide behind their aliases.
Since the sister-in-law of the Police Chief feels that I should get the actual numbers from him, I will attempt to see what information he might be willing to shed upon this situation.

Ken Knickerbocker said...

Thats what I like about you Chris. You're not satisfied until you get the facts. Good luck! Let me know what you find.

Ken Knickerbocker