Sunday, September 11, 2011

Obituary - "Shorty" Sunline, Hurricane Irene's Only Known Parkesburg Victim

The last two weeks since Hurricane Irene blew through followed a week and a few days later by Tropical Storm Lee, have been a blur.  Too much to do, not enough time to do it.  The usual complaint.

But, no matter how busy I've been, there's no excuse for overlooking the death of "Shorty" Sunline, Parkesburg's only known storm related casualty.

So here's the obituary:
“Shorty” Sunline passed away tragically on Sunday, August 29, 2011 from unnatural nature causes.

“Shorty” was born in 1982.  ”Shorty” enjoyed short stays in the local campgrounds, but would occasionally travel long distances.  He especially loved his annual trips to Raystown Lake and unfortunately missed this year’s trip by one week.
He will be fondly remember for his lovely cold Air Conditioning, his nice, clean smelling cabin and the joyful times he spent with Yogi the dog.
The funeral service will be held at the convenience of his owners and/or anyone who is willing to pull him out from under the tree that landed on top of him.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the “Buy Caleb Wilde a New Camper” fund.
Our condolences to Nicole and Caleb.  May "Shorty" rest in peace.

Get the full story of Shorty's long life as an obedient follower and his tragic, untimely demise here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss Caleb and Nicole. Do you get a family discount on funeral costs? I'm just kidding, I had to do it, but seriously, I'm sorry to hear about Shorty.