Monday, February 28, 2011

All Aboard! Passenger Count Jumps 20%

Ridership using the east- and west-bound stations at Parkesburg increased a smidgen over 20% from 2008 through 2010.

In a report released recently, Amtrak reported passengers catching the train in Parkesburg for destinations east and west had climbed steadily since 2008 when 40,650 hopped on board.

They were followed by 45,233 passengers in 2009 and by 48,784 riders in 2010.

With federal stimulus monies funding station upgrades in Coatesville, Lancaster and Elizabethtown and all along the Philadelphia to Harrisburg corridor, its clear train travel is as popular as ever and certain to remain a key building block for Parkesburg's revitalization.

Here's the link to Amtrak's 2010 Fact Sheet for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Tom said...

Now if we could only get SEPTA back. The 20 minute drive to Thorndale ....ugh.

Matthew Kennel said...

I rode on the train from Parkesburg to Ardmore for years. It was a wonderfully pleasurable experience, and I really appreciated that Parkesburg had free parking. I heartily approve of riding the train to work!