Saturday, September 24, 2011

Board Approves Cell Phone Pilot

Once banned cell phones are now OK under a board-approved pilot program being run at Octorara High School according to this article in My Octorara News:
The Octorara Area school board gave formal approval Monday to a high school pilot program giving students the right to responsibly use their cell phones in school.

High school Principal Scott Rohrer said that in February he will provide a full report on its success or failure, giving the board the chance to make the policy permanent.

"The best thing so far is students are using them outside the classroom rather than having them taken away in class," Rohrer said.
The entire article is here


43_life_member said...

During our class reunion tour earlier this year, we were told that cell phones are one of Octorara's biggest concerns. That students would take pictures of their tests and text them to other students. Imagine That! - Jack Mariano

Anonymous said...

My child, more than once at Octorara, witnessed a student or students using smartphones to access the internet in tests and claiming they were only using the calculator. Her university does NOT allow them in classrooms during tests, not even if they have calculator capability.