Monday, January 17, 2011

Are Our Public Servants Targets?

Octorara school board member John McCartney of West Sadsbury went on the record over the weekend for being concerned for his safety as a school board member.

According to statements made on Civic Journalist blog,  McCartney, concerned about last Saturday’s fatal shooting at a civic event held by Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and an incident with a gun at a school meeting Dec. 14 in Panama City, Fl., said he is worried such violence could spread to Octorara.

“There is no way to guarantee safety,” McCartney stated.  “It (Tucson or Panama City) could be here.”

The post at Civic Journalist went on to state that McCartney wrote to fellow board members and administrators last month asking them to consider having a police presence, a guard, bullet-proof glass or body armor available for school board meetings.

Board members responded by asking him to keep his concerns to himself.

Seems like an appropriate response.

As we all learn to cope with the seemingly endless stream of threats and warnings, some real, other imagined, its important we retain our sense of hope and optimism and not allow our lives to be unduly influenced by events which have never happened and in all likelihood never will.

Mr. McCartney, the people of Octorara appreciate your service and willingness to serve the community in such a public role.  They're hoping you remain focused on managing the budget and delivering an ever increasing higher quality education to our children and not on errecting plexiglass walls to further isolate you from the people you were elected to serve.

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