Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mayor's Message

Mayor John Hagan (far right) pictured here with other dignitaries at the ribbon cutting for Westminster Place on First Avenue in 2008

In his monthly message at Borough Council meeting last monday night, Mayor John Hagan read the following statement announcing his love of Parkesburg and intention to seek a third term as the town's Mayor.

April 1st 1991. Fours after I embarked on a life sentence of mortgage payments and property maintenance at 30 East First Avenue, I decided I did not have enough to do. 

What with a day job of indeterminate duration, two adolescent sons and a burgeoning romance, apply I did for membership of the Parkesburg Borough Council. Tumultuous would not adequately describe the atmosphere. A failing sewer plant, labor negotiations, taxes at the maximum levy then allowed by law, and literally threats of physical assault-ruled the meetings. 

Work sessions where, at times, no work was ever done. The challenges seemed insurmountable.

I couldn’t wait.

The council at large was entirely of one party-Not mine. Nominated by seated councilor George Evans, his support made unanimous approval possible. Late that year I ran for election to the seat permitted me. 

Successful I was-and simultaneously shocked and not a little frightened. With so much to do and a pace that would make snails look like Olympic sprinters jump in I did.

Trial and error would fit the description of events and efforts that followed- and just about explain everything that happened. Thoughtful review has made me aware that the goal here was not to gain notoriety, though that happens and not always pleasantly, but to contribute to the betterment of our mutual living experience. 

Public service, how noble-or so I told myself.

What is the drive?

Why “volunteer” to be in harms way?  Yes, there is a paycheck, a stipend. Most would not turn over in bed for the amount. Therefore, it must be something else.

The recent tragedy in Tucson AZ, brings one--pondering public service--significant pause if not an outright conclusive “hell no not me”.

From this dais, I can decry the obvious. 

Publicly postulate abhorrence. 

Condemn with all the righteous venom I can muster this dastardly man and his senseless act.  

It would most certainly resonate with the listener especially on the day we observe the birth of Martin Luther King Jr. A man of peace and reconciliation, of resurrection and healing, brutally murdered at the pinnacle of his service to his fellow humans. A service to all and God to recognize there is but one race here on planet earth. A simple and irrefutable truth that to survive and prosper we must, obey the maxim- “be ye kind one to the other”.

Still, no one could blame anyone for serious reflection and a- “why do it then attitude-about seeking to serve. After all one person cannot affect real change - can they?

Yes and how.

Honorable Service. To be willing to do for others in the hope it will elevate the quality of life for all. Talk about shooting for the stars when the moon is closer.  From what I have witnessed I believe this to be true.

I have had the privilege - serving - and doing so with many- these past twenty years.  Many of whom share some portion of my belief.

It has been my honor to do so.

As with all things that involve human interaction a certain evolution takes place. From the tumult of the earlier, to the more resolute proactive climate of the present, each council has marked its term with a basic principal, to serve the public with candor, honesty, and purpose.

It is with gratitude for the opportunity I formally announce my intention to seek another term as Mayor of our fine Borough.

I do so with full knowledge that - acknowledging - this plagiarism - with minor modification - to Abraham Lincoln, and as in the course of past service,

“I will please some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but will not please all of the people all of the time”

And- if re-elected-I do promise to do by best-to do my duty-entrusted me by the fine voters of our town-our microcosm of America- with fidelity.

So with these so-called resolutions and notes to self (apologies to David Letterman and Tony Robbins)-

I hereby resolve …….

10.       To give people more than they expect
9.         To not believe all I hear and read
8.         To never laugh at anyone's dream.
7.         That when in disagreements, fight fairly.
6.         To not judge people by their relatives...or acquaintances.
5.         To talk slowly but think quickly.
4.         To remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
3.         That when I lose, to not lose the lesson!
2.         To remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all my actions.
1.         That when I realize I have made a mistake, to take immediate steps to correct it.

As I’ve said many times

I have lived here all but five years of my life. Parkesburg with its challenges met and those yet to come truly holds the promise of what quality “town living” will be in this new century. The people, and culture, can best be described as unique, eclectic, urbane and generous.

From the bottom of my heart I believe in this town, its government and its people.

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