Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friday's Graduation Coverage By The Daily Local News

True to form the Daily Local News finally got around to covering Friday's Octorara Graduation ceremony in today's edition of the West Chester newspaper.

In a nice article, written by former Parkesburg Post Ledger Editor Fran Maye, the newspaper did a nice job of highlighting the the words of wisdom shared by a few of the newly minted graduates.

Here's a sampling:
From Brian Peterson, “Failing doesn’t hinder you from success, it only prepares you for it.” and “Life is about taking risks. Part of taking risks is knowing that we may fail. The only time you truly fail is when you quit.”
Amanda King, class valedictorian, said "We all fail at something we try. It’s only when you completely fail to try at something that you fail. Being the best you can be is only all that’s required.”
Lindsay Blevins told her fellow graduates, "As we are released into the world, we must make it our absolute goal to decide what it is we love and what we will pursue.  Some of us will become superheroes, whether being a superhero means becoming a firefighter, or a veterinarian, or a parent. Everything we imagine is real because we can make it real.”
Call me sentimental but if these three quotes are representative of the entire Class of 2011, we're in good shape!

You can read the entire article at The Daily Local News page

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