Sunday, May 29, 2011

Flags Over Parkesburg

As the sun came up this morning, Parkesburg's colors were on display.

Some flags appeared brand new, others faded from too many bright, sunny holidays.

Some were large, others so small only a camera's zoom function allowed them to be captured.

Some drooped, others hung proudly.

Some blew in the gentle breeze, others were wrapped losely around their poles.

Some stood atop tall poles, others hung from porches and mail boxes.

Some were framed by lovingly manicured flower beds, other added color to store fronts and churches.

Some had 50 stars, others just 13, 1 or none.

No matter the flag's color, age, configuration or surroundings, nobody can argue with Parkesburg's patriotism and love of the red, white and blue.

Here's an album of flags displayed along Parkesburg's main and not so main streets.  Can you identify the location of each picture?

Check back on the 4th of July for more.

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