Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Drive Along The Scenic Octoraro Creek

Bob Taylor of Christiana posted this video of a leisurely drive Along Creek Road south of Atglen, back and forth over Mercer's Mill covered bridge and then continuing further down Creek Road towards West Fallowfield on Facebook this morning.

Its not clear who the creator of the video is but it looks like Rick & Rosie Woodhouse, proprietors of Gabriel's Hill Bed and Breakfast in Christiana, deserve the credit.

Here's the description accompanying the video on YouTube:
Down the hill, through the bridge, up the hill to the park and back again. The drive along the Octoraro Creek has been designated as a Pennsylvania Scenic River. The creek borders a large portion of Wolf's Hollow Park. Mercer's Mill Covered Bridge is just over a mile from Gabriel's Hill.
Enjoy the scenery and the relaxing music!


Anonymous said...

Hate to be a stickler for details. Mercers Bridge is actually on Bailey Crossroads Rd. Creek Road continues to the right before you get to the bridge (at the 40 second mark of the video). In fact, Creek Road doesn't enter West Fallowfield Township.

Gabriel's Hill said...

This is true, and the video actually included Schoff Road and Wolf's Hollow Drive as well, but since I didn't identify any road by name in the description accompanying the video, I'm sure they were having to do some guessing as to the actual locations.

Gabriel's Hill said...

Our thanks to Bob Taylor and Parkesburg Today for posting our video. The excellent Wolf's Hollow County Park article by Magdalena Stuehrmann in the July 4th edition of Parkesburg Today prompted us to take some pictures and video of the park the following week. That video was previously posted on YouTube. On the way to and from the park we were playing with the camera and not intending to use it for anything, but since it is one of the prettiest areas along the Lancaster/Chester County line, we decided to have some fun with it.

Ken Knickerbocker said...

Well over 100 people viewed your video from Parkesburg Today. I hope you'll make more and send them over.


Gabriel's Hill said...

Thank you! We are planning on making more from the park. We only covered a very small area in the first one. It can be seen here:
Wolf's Hollow County Park

By the way, my wife pointed out to me that the covered bridge video did not include Schoff Road. It jumped from Bailey Crossroads to Wolf's Hollow Drive.