Monday, April 4, 2011

Affordable Housing Options Task Force Comes To Parkesburg

Across Chester County the lack of affordable housing is forcing workers including laborers, teachers, police and fire fighters to seek housing outside the county, enduring long commutes to and from work.

To find a solution that works for Chester County the County Planning Commission, led by Director Ronald Bailey, formed a Housing Options Task Force and announced plans at the end of 2010 to host monthly workshops at various locations across the County.

Thursday morning April 7th is Parkesburg's turn to host the task force workshop. 

Beginning at 8:30 AM and running until 10:30 in the Community Room at Westminster Place on First Avenue, participants and task force members will focus on topics related to senior housing in Chester County following the following guidelines:
  • Conduct a countywide housing study - There is a need for more detailed information about what the specific gaps are in the housing supply and where the housing is needed.
  • Provide more housing choices - There is an overabundance of large single family homes and few other options available for low- to moderate-income residents of the county.
  • Investigate best-practices - Other Pennsylvania communities are addressing many of the same issues and Chester County might benefit from their experience.
  • Create a marketing campaign - There is a need for public education about the importance of affordable housing for “people we know.”
  • Distribute affordable units - Affordable housing should be more evenly distributed among all parts of the county.
  • Support infrastructure improvements - Expanded availability of sewer and water service would, in some cases, help reduce the cost of housing.
  • Improve transportation options - People with low- and moderate-incomes often need the assistance of public transit for access to jobs and services.
  • Streamline the development process - The length and complexity of the development approvals process can result in added cost to a developer and ultimately to the home buyer.
  • Address the need for accessibility - The increasing population of senior citizens, as well as disabled individuals, has a growing need for physically accessible housing.
  • Maintain existing units - Proper maintenance, or rehabilitation, of affordable units is critical to meeting the housing needs of the community.
  • Create a centralized source of information - People need to know where to go for information about housing options and assistance programs.
  • Provide incentives from the county - The county could consider incentives to municipalities for the support of affordable housing development.
For more information on the workshop contact the Chester County Planning Commission at 610-344-6285.

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