Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Fire Safety

By Ray Stackhouse
Parkesburg's Fire Marshall

Spring is upon us and while our thoughts begin to turn toward the outdoors, we should take some time to think FIRE SAFETY.

When I think spring, working in the yard and BBQ’s are first and second in my mind. These two activities, while fun and needed, have some inherent safety concerns I would like to address:
  • Yard Waste. Composting organic material; i.e. grass clipping, leaves and wood, saves on trash tipping fees and is environmentally friendly. However, please remember that these dried out materials can be an extreme fire hazard if a stray spark from yard equipment or malicious ignition are introduced into the pile. Keep your composting pile fenced in and away from these potential heat sources. 
  • Fueled Power Equipment.  Keep fueled equipment and supplemental fuel secured in sheds or other out buildings, not in your garage if possible. When your garage is the only option, keep supplemental gasoline limited to 10 gallons.

  • Barbecue Grills. Some of us use gas grills while others swear by charcoal, either way there is nothing like a BBQ! Please keep the following safety tips in mind while using your grill, charcoal or gas; keep your grill as far away from your house as possible, check gas grill connections and hoses often to assure they are intact, empty charcoal into an metal container and place outdoors and away from your house until completely cool (this can take days) and if you dump your coals on the ground make sure you  hose them done with plenty of water to assure they are completely extinguished.    
Following these simple, yet often overlooked, safety tips will make your Spring Season safer and more enjoyable. 

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